Unveiling Lido's Node Operator Portal

Today we are releasing the first version of Lido Node Operator Portal, the purpose of which is to consolidate all information and resources related to being a Lido Node Operator in one place.
The core audience of the portal is made up of two groups (with potential overlap): operators who are interested in joining one of Lido's many networks, or operators that have already been onboarded onto one of them.
Prospective operators will be able to more easily see how Lido's different operator sets work, which networks currently have open onboarding rounds, what the general (and specific, per protocol, if applicable) requirements for being a Lido Node Operator are, and apply for onboarding rounds. Existing operators (currently this part of the portal is protected), will be able to see details about Lido's internal processes, monitoring mechanisms, communication and governance expectations, and have access to additional resources related to the smooth operation of Lido's protocols.
As the potential pool of node operators for Lido grows (through Lido's work on permissionless entry into its operator sets), the aim is to expand the portal to include resources on how smaller operators can get up and running. The node operator portal will also provide general information to the wider staking community. Anyone (node operators, stakers, or just curious Ethereans) can check the portal for resources on how Lido’s operators and validators are performing, which operators are active on which networks, and more information about operator setups such as geographic and infrastructure diversity. This information will be made available both through links to third party resources that Lido works closely with, but also via internally sourced info.
This is just a first step, and there is lots more to come. The Portal will be iteratively improved indefinitely, and we look forward to your comments, suggestions, and even participation in terms of creating content, if you so desire.
Please reach out to us via our Discord, Forums, or email if you have any ideas. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions.