Presenting the Community Staking Module Testnet

in Community Staking by Lido


  • CSM testnet is live: Those eligible for Early Adoption can join CSM now! If not, fret not! CSM will be open to all Node Operators around mid-July.
  • Performance matters: Performing well in the CSM testnet could qualify you for inclusion in the mainnet Early Adoption program.
  • Similar to Vanilla (Solo) Staking: Running CSM validators is similar to running standard validators but requires significantly less ETH.
  • Embark on your CSM testnet experience here:


What is Community Staking Module (CSM)?

Community Staking Module (CSM) is one of Lido DAO's initiatives to enhance decentralization and democratize access to Ethereum staking. It's designed to allow permissionless entry for any node operator, but especially community stakers, enabling them to use the Lido protocol to run validators. This module aims to significantly expand and diversify Lido's operator set.


Key features of CSM include:

  • Permissionless entry;
  • ETH-based bonding mechanism featuring unique bonding curve design;
  • Smoothened rewards distribution, including MEV;
  • User-friendly interface with reduced gas fees for on-chain operations;
  • Potential for higher rewards compared to solo staking.


What does CSM mean for Lido?

The introduction of CSM represents a significant step towards Lido's mission of making Ethereum staking simple, secure, and decentralized.


Through the opening of the protocol  to a limitless range of participants, Lido aims to:

  • Enhance protocol decentralization by incorporating a more diverse set of operators;
  • Democratize access to staking, allowing individual stakers to participate directly in the Lido ecosystem as node operators;
  • Improve the protocol's resilience and security through a larger, more distributed validator set;
  • Further support Ethereum's ethos of decentralization and community participation.


How do I join the CSM testnet?

The CSM testnet is divided into two phases: the Early Adoption period and the permissionless period.


At launch, the testnet is only available to Node Operators included in the Early Adoption list. Read more about Early Adoption and check your testnet eligibility.


Once the Early Adoption period ends, the testnet will be accessible to everyone. The end of the Early Adoption period on testnet is expected around mid-July 2024. All operators are encouraged to participate and help Lido to build a strong permissionless module for the Ethereum community.



Running validators as a CSM Node Operator is similar to running vanilla validators, except that validators are registered in CSM which then registers them with the Beacon Chain Deposits contract once enough ETH has been gathered. Check out the documentation for an overview of how CSM works.


Start your CSM testnet journey:


Why join the CSM testnet?

CSM will also have an  Early Adoption mechanism on mainnet, allowing early participants to benefit from a reduced bond requirement for their first registered validator. Performing well in the CSM testnet could contribute to inclusion in the mainnet Early Adoption list.


Experience how easy it is to use CSM with a much lower bond compared to normal solo staking (e.g., no more than 2 ETH on the testnet) and brilliant UX, contribute to the staking community, and provide input on future improvements.


Show your engagement and help Lido contributors build a great permissionless module for Ethereum.


What's Next for CSM?

If you are eligible for Early Adoption on testnet, we encourage you to experience running a validator with a small amount of Holesky ETH using CSM now. If not, get your clients set up and stay tuned for the module’s opening to all.


Attending EthCC in Brussels? Register for the exclusive Stakers Guild event using code "CSM_testnet" to connect with fellow community stakers and engage directly with our contributors about CSM. Limited tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Last but not least, to stay informed about the latest updates and developments regarding Lido's CSM, claim the 'CSM Operator' role in the cs-get-roles channel and follow the csm-testnet channel.


Additional Resources